Saturday, 27 December 2008

Well here is the nearly finished top I just seem to be missing something......

Oh yeah its the tulips, ok so I have a Taylors Tulips without the tulips.

One day I might be able to get it finished, it all depends on how much my MS lets me do.

Monday, 22 December 2008

This is one of the two patterns I got with my gift cert. I got sent to me from a kind Aunty.

This one is called "Kiwi Christmas tree".

This pattern is called "Fantail's fancy".

I will have fun next year picking fabrics to do these blocks ready for next years Christmas.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

I have such a kind "aunty" she sent me a gift voucher, so I could go shopping while I wait for the slow boat that's coming via the North pole and China with my stocking on it.
Now the hard part begins, just WHAT to get. :) There is soooo much to pick from, but i will post it here when I get it so everyone can see what I got. Now to go shopping, OOOO the hard work of doing that.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Well here it is, the finished Christmas top, but just when it will get quilted is the mystery. Ha ha.

We all have them tops that have been made but not sandwhiched or quilted, so whats one more top added to the list of UFO's.

When I get the 'roundtuit' I will get them quilted, but untill then its a 'summer top' that will spend Christmas in the office of the park where we live.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Here are the four corner blocks for my Taylors Tulips BOM I have been doing. Please do not tell me my corners are cut off, as it has been hard work doing these blocks, due to the MS in my left hand and arm. I am just happy to be able to do some sewing, plus the quilt is for me and no-one else.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

I have got one set of borders on and have been piecing together a second border to go onto it. I just might get it finished for Christmas 2009. Sewing has been very hard for me to do, but I have tryed my best, am having to use more pins to try and get things lined up, unlike befor when I could hold it in place and just sew. Sewing is taking a lot longer to do.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Well here is the Christmas jellyroll top I have just made. It still needs borders which means I will have to go fabric shopping, but I still have lots of jellyroll left for the outer border.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Woohoo I have been able to do some sewing. My daughter had helped me with the cutting, but most of it was already done for me as it was a Christmas jelly roll. With only one hand working properly, it is taking me a little longer to do things, but thats one of the things I will have to put up with because of the MS.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Here for you all to see is the photo you have all waited for.

It's of Hannah and two of her friends at the ball I was making her dress for, most of the beading stayed on for the ball, in fact the only beading to come of was some around the bottom of her dress when she caught her heel in it.

All her friends said she has a very clever mother in making the dress for her with all the bead work on it. Only a few thought the dress had been brought.

It was a very good night and was told by her that everyone had a great time.

Friday, 22 August 2008

OK this is the ONLY part of the 2nd stage of the BOM I have got done, due to numbness in my hand, BUT I will carry on and get it done.

Here is the 3rd part of the BOM done. As it was all sewing machine I could finish it off ok without my hand problems affecting it to much.

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Ok here is the center block for the BOM most of us seem to be doing. Will be doing most of it in scraps from my stash due to low funds to buy fabric.

I have also been trying to quilt my jelly roll quilt as well which will be slow going due to other things going on.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Here is a close up of the blocks put together, just need to get my act together to finish the top off now so I can have it quilted by Oct for mum's birthday.
The is the quilt with the side borders in place, it just needs the top and bottom borders added and the bigger 2nd border and them it will be ready to sammy together and quilt.

Here is a'block' made strip sewing the jelly roll and then cutting into the blocks.

Here are the fabrics to start my post and rail jelly roll quilt.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

The show my daugher was in was great. The school put on the musical Grease.
Well I know its had to see her, but trying to take pics from some rows back when my daughter is standing in the dark area is a little hard
She is the one just about the lady's head in the pale yellow.
I hope to get some better pics of her later dressed in her costumes.

Friday, 9 May 2008

Here are the colours I am doing my true lovers knot in. All the fabrics shown have been won playing bingo on #quiltchat. So far I have only cut the reds out, the blues are next to be done.
Will post more pics when I have the blocks a little father along.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Here is the rock and roll skirt I had to make for Hannah. She drew the soda glass and I placed it onto the skirt just like on a quilt. :)
She is such a lucky girl to have a mummy that can sew.

Well the top has had more beads added to it now but I have had to put it on hold for a little while.
Hannah had something which needed to be made ahead of the ball dress, which is a rock and roll skirt for a school show she is taking part in.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Well this is about half the beading done. I have to mirror the same thing on the other half of the top.

Can only do the beading in daylight otherwise I end up going cross eyed.

Should be finished with the beading by this time next week, I am so eager to get back to my quilting.

Not that I dislike bead work, its just that the beads get smaller the longer you work on them. lol.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

This is this years top which also has boning in it.

You just got to love putting the bones in tops to do it again (NOT)

As you can see we have started with the beading on it. I will take another photo of it once the beads have been finished.

Well this is last years top I had to make for Hannah's ball, it has boning in it and is laced up at the back. It closed with a zip on the side.

Monday, 7 April 2008

Well here is the star quilt almost finished, just have 3 seams to do and then it can go into my UFO pile to have the borders added later and then quilted.

Mean while I have a ball dress to make for 'bob', who's ball is in June/July so I will be kept busy sewing. But I will leave the beads for her to sew on.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Well today I have been busy sewing and have got the second row made. And yes I know I have one star wrong I wonder if anyone will notice it tho ;)

The last row should be done before the end of tomorrow and then I have to sew the 3 rows together. The bad thing is I have to go to fabric shop to get fabric for the borders, not to bad for a scrappy quilt.

Well here is a pic of the first row of stars, sorry the pic is a little shaken but it's hard to hold a camera still when you have the shakes, but at least you can get an idea of the colours and stars in the quilt.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Here is a photo of a block in a mystery quilt I did back in 2003/4. It was done the hard way without useing the new xblocks that we were talking about in #quiltchat.

Friday, 28 March 2008

Ok girls here is the quilt I have been working on that took 3 months to baiste and only 1 month to quilt. (Do not ask why it took so long to baiste lol)
the only thing left to do on it, is the binding, which I will have to go to the fabric shop and buy.
It is a 21st present for my stepson.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Ok well the quilt I am quilting is nearly finished, just have to do 1/4 of the quilting and then the binding.
Will be able to take photo's as soon as it is finished.
I just wish it was cooler, as trying to hand quilt in the warm summer is just a little to hot.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Well I had a little holiday over in Australia with my lovely husband and while we were there we saw this rainbow around the sun one day.

My camera has a red filter on it so I could take the photo and get the rainbow to show up. Without it I just got a plain pale blue sky.

The sun is just behind the roof of the house so I did not look directly into it. It was a fun but short trip very kindly paid for by my Mum.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Before real life stuck its ugly head in, I was making stars for a quilt from Planet patchwork.
I have some halloween fabrics that I wanted to use up so I decided to make this quilt in blacks and yellows shading to orange-red. It will be a little scrappy in a way as I am trying to use fabrics I have in my stash, but you know I will just have to get some more fabric for the borders.
Well I know it has been a while but a lot has been going on in real life that has stopped me from writing.
We had my mother in laws funeral to sort out and deal with and then I had a bad reaction to some meds I had been given. After a week I am slowly back to normal (what ever that was befor)

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Here is a quilt I made for my mother in law for Mother's Day 2005.

It is just a simple pattern made with fabric I had been given as a thankyou for something I had done for another person. She would put it on the bed with the back showing as she said she liked the back fabric better than the 'busy' front.

Sadly to say she passed away on 14th February 2008 but her quilt will not go to waste as we will pass it onto one of her meny brothers and sisters that are still living.

The quilt will be used at her funeral to cover her coffin during the service.

Monday, 28 January 2008

OK for those of you that wanted to see them here is a pic of my 3 girls at my wedding that took place on the 23rd Sept 2006. From the left is Ellie my oldest, Hannah my youngest, then Becky the middle girl and the bride me :)

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Don't you just hate it when real life kicks in and puts all your plans on hold. I have not been able to do any sewing due to my own pain and problems with family. Also my poor camera has given up the ghost and is refusing to work so I can't take any pics of the sewing i have done.
Oh well thats life I surposse.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Well I am sorry to say this, but today the two noisey tenents in the next field, got packed up and sent of to the 'works'.
The farmer and truck driver had great fun trying to get them both seperated from the 'girls' and into the truck.
Kind of feel sorry for the poor truck driver, cos man did them 'boys' kick up a storm rocking the poor truck around.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

The 'tenents' that live next door to me have had 2 'boyfriends' with them the last few days, making a little bit of noise.

Now I don't mind them living there, but when your dear husband turns over in bed and prods you and tells you to stop snoring, you know it's time to close the windows and turn the fan on.

The bulls can be a bit noisey somedays, but they also don't like being kept from the 'girls'. The loudest bull broke the gate down that was seperating them this morning, the farmer will wait till the bulls have gone to the 'works' befor fixing the gate as even he don't like being in the field with them.