Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Well this is about half the beading done. I have to mirror the same thing on the other half of the top.

Can only do the beading in daylight otherwise I end up going cross eyed.

Should be finished with the beading by this time next week, I am so eager to get back to my quilting.

Not that I dislike bead work, its just that the beads get smaller the longer you work on them. lol.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

This is this years top which also has boning in it.

You just got to love putting the bones in tops to do it again (NOT)

As you can see we have started with the beading on it. I will take another photo of it once the beads have been finished.

Well this is last years top I had to make for Hannah's ball, it has boning in it and is laced up at the back. It closed with a zip on the side.

Monday, 7 April 2008

Well here is the star quilt almost finished, just have 3 seams to do and then it can go into my UFO pile to have the borders added later and then quilted.

Mean while I have a ball dress to make for 'bob', who's ball is in June/July so I will be kept busy sewing. But I will leave the beads for her to sew on.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Well today I have been busy sewing and have got the second row made. And yes I know I have one star wrong I wonder if anyone will notice it tho ;)

The last row should be done before the end of tomorrow and then I have to sew the 3 rows together. The bad thing is I have to go to fabric shop to get fabric for the borders, not to bad for a scrappy quilt.

Well here is a pic of the first row of stars, sorry the pic is a little shaken but it's hard to hold a camera still when you have the shakes, but at least you can get an idea of the colours and stars in the quilt.