Saturday, 29 March 2008

Here is a photo of a block in a mystery quilt I did back in 2003/4. It was done the hard way without useing the new xblocks that we were talking about in #quiltchat.

Friday, 28 March 2008

Ok girls here is the quilt I have been working on that took 3 months to baiste and only 1 month to quilt. (Do not ask why it took so long to baiste lol)
the only thing left to do on it, is the binding, which I will have to go to the fabric shop and buy.
It is a 21st present for my stepson.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Ok well the quilt I am quilting is nearly finished, just have to do 1/4 of the quilting and then the binding.
Will be able to take photo's as soon as it is finished.
I just wish it was cooler, as trying to hand quilt in the warm summer is just a little to hot.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Well I had a little holiday over in Australia with my lovely husband and while we were there we saw this rainbow around the sun one day.

My camera has a red filter on it so I could take the photo and get the rainbow to show up. Without it I just got a plain pale blue sky.

The sun is just behind the roof of the house so I did not look directly into it. It was a fun but short trip very kindly paid for by my Mum.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Before real life stuck its ugly head in, I was making stars for a quilt from Planet patchwork.
I have some halloween fabrics that I wanted to use up so I decided to make this quilt in blacks and yellows shading to orange-red. It will be a little scrappy in a way as I am trying to use fabrics I have in my stash, but you know I will just have to get some more fabric for the borders.
Well I know it has been a while but a lot has been going on in real life that has stopped me from writing.
We had my mother in laws funeral to sort out and deal with and then I had a bad reaction to some meds I had been given. After a week I am slowly back to normal (what ever that was befor)